Friday, October 14, 2011

Dreamy Kaleidoscope

The waif called 'today' was walking down a street of mirages called 'desire'- sparkling, alluring, enticing........ He was still searching for the elusive 'oasis' in the city of 'life'. Along the way, he met 'tomorrow'.He instantly fell for her irresistible charm for she was the embodiment of 'seduction'. Through her kaleidoscope he could see his 'dreams', his 'aspirations'. The bright colorful 'future' he saw delighted him and put to shame his rusty 'present'. Tomorrow represented 'Hope', which was the elixir that would help him survive his inconsequential existence... He dreamt and he dreamt and he dreamt..

And then he opened his eyes. His parched lips seeking 'hope' again.. Perhaps a few drops would satiate him. The sun was about to set and 'tomorrow' was smiling from the distance, waving to him with her kaleidoscope... He got up and started running towards tomorrow. It was time to chase his kaleidoscopic dreams...........................

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Death Trilogy

The Death Trilogy

Alejandro González Iñárritu is a craftsman. Poignant portrayal of emotions, sincerity of characters, rawness, originality, intensity, gripping sequences etc are some indispensable elements of his film-making. He chooses a non-linear narrative style and does a very good job of stitching up the bits together. He ensures that what comes out is a something as good as a Tuxedo and not something in tatters. Three of his movies which explore various facets of human emotions are testament to this fact.

Amores Perros (Love is a Bitch)

First in line and also the finest, Amores Perros is a potently savage violent saga that will shake you up with its rawness and crude reality and for a debutant director, it exudes sheer class. It comprises three major plots running simultaneously and coalescing into a defining moment through a car-crash. The actors come up with stirring performances; whether its the raw vulnerability of the young Octavio(Gael García Bernal) or the rugged intensity of El Chivo(Emilio Echevarría). The sordid and dark side of human emotions and skewed morality of humans is depicted powerfully. Greed, lust, love, hate, passion and power are overpowering emotions which often distort human behavior and bring out its ugliest, darkest side and sometimes also its weaker, softer and more vulnerable side. The film depicts a wide array of emotions through various scenes, some of them in stark contrast to each other. Octavio, remorselessly gets his abusive brother beaten up without flinching once. In stark contrast, is his love for Susanna and he uses violence, money and every possible method to get to her at any cost. El Chivo is a merciless hitman who can shoot without batting an eyelid. However we get to see his more humane and softer side when he tries to reach out to his daughter, whom he had abandoned when she was a kid. Goya Toledo as Valeria the supermodel does a fine job in her depiction of a woman's fall from grace. The transition from a beautiful loving woman who attains dizzy heights of fame to the impulsive untrusting female is endearing. Meanwhile, Daniel is torn between his love for Valeria and his family which he has left behind for her. Iñárritu beautifully and smoothly handles these comparisons, contrasts and transitions in emotions; they are more gripping than touchy.

Dogs form a vital part of of all the three plots and are inter-woven in the intricate story-line. In fact, the dogs even shape-up the story; whether its the nerve-wracking bloody dog fights, the obsession with the dog who goes missing under the floor-board or the ex-guerrilla who now keeps dogs as his family. The film also shows that sometimes when humans are going through a chaotic emotional phase and distrust most of the people around them, they turn to dogs as friends.

The background music by Gustavo Santaolalla is not a mere filler. Santaolalla does a brilliant job of making the sombre air around the whole film thicker and pushes you deeper into the melanoid pit.

To sum it up, this landmark movie, not just with respect to Mexican, but World Cinema as well, is a must watch. Amores Perros is a brutal canine of a film, that will bite and make you bleed. This surely isn't puppy love but you will enjoy every bit of this rabid bite!

21 Grams

The second movie in Iñárritu's trilogy comes with the tag line- "How Much does Life Weigh". The various stories in this intense movie try to answer this question. Emotions, love, hatred, remorse, loss, life, birth, death are classically non-tangible entities. How much do they weigh? How do they shape our lives, our actions, our decisions?

Iñárritu, like his first movie again uses the non-linear narrative style with hyperlinks. This movie too revolves around human emotions, their actions and the consequences- sometimes life-altering. The film boasts of a powerful cast comprising Naomi Watts, Sean Penn and Benicio Del Toro. Emotions are again the focal point of this movie and the cast does a brilliant task of emoting on screen and getting into the skin of their characters. Oscar Nominations for Watts and Del Toro were fully justified

This movie too has a 3 plot design, but this time, the plots are more over-lapping. Iñárritu again uses an automobile accident as the concurrent point and how it sets the three main protagonists on a path where their destinies will collide.

Leading the cast from the front is Naomi Watts as Cristina, who excels in her role as a woman who loses her entire family in a brutal twist of fate. The fatal accident delivers a bludgeoning blow which again sets her on the path of drugs and alcohol. Watts beautifully depicts the emotional upheaval of a woman who has to cope with this irreparable loss. Intensity comes effortlessly to Sean Penn. He plays Paul Rivers, a man who is struggling with a fatal heart condition, and whose fate becomes tied to Cristina's (Watts) as he gets the heart of her husband in a transplant. Benicio del Toro as Jack Jordan plays the remorseful reformed convict and stirs you up with his intense portrayal of a man who gains faith only to lose it again when he ends up over-running a family in the accident. River (Penn) is drawn to Cristina (Watts) and ultimately becomes the source for her reprisal and a part of her quest for vengeance.

The movie isn't a thriller or edge of the seat story of a woman's revenge, so it doesn't progress at a fast pace. However the emotions of the characters are strong enough to keep you engaged.

Watch this movie for its emotions and intensity!!

P.S.- Was wondering if a movie DVD weighs 21 grams too :P


The third and final instalment in the death trilogy isn't as sparkling as the first one. It however has its fair share of moments which make watching it a worthwhile experience. Babel comprises four stories across four countries : Morocco, Japan, Mexico and the United States. This time around, Iñárritu chooses to divert from his favorite non-linear narrative style and follows a more sequential, chronological approach. As a director, Iñárritu strongest point is bringing out the emotions of his characters and making sure that they connect to the audience, in both associative and non associative fashion. Babel tries to stick to that philosophy.
Running in parallel plots, the one story which stands out and deserves a standing ovation is the one based in Japan. Rinko Kikuchi as the deaf and mute Japanese teenage girl Chieko Wataya rules the roost. This performance has the capacity to enthral audiences and infact floor them even if they have minimalistic levels of Emotional Intelligence. One of the most brilliants sequences in the movie is when Wataya visits a night club and the audio keeps switching between a full blast of music and mute(as seen from a third person's perspective and as seen from Wataya's perspective).
Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett as the couple struggling with their relation have rudimentary roles.
The Moroccan setting is rugged and realistic and the young kids who play brothers do a great job, considering they are non-professional actors.

Adriana Barraza as the care-taker of Pitt's children emotes perfectly and does a fine smooth job.

Not as gripping as the first two in the series, Babel still makes it mark and deserves to be seen if you are a fan of Alejandro González Iñárritu !!!

This post is an entry to the Reel-Life Bloggers contest organized by

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Morality and The Social Fabric : Lycra Inside

(Visual Courtesy: Pallavi Pathak)

“We have, in fact, two kinds of morality side by side; one which we preach but do not practice, and another which we practice but seldom preach.”- Bertrand Russell

Whom does morality belong to- you? Me? And what is it- is it an object, a tool, an emotion, a prescription? There is no fixed answer to this. The taxonomy of morality and moral values would reveal innumerable schools of thought, different perspectives and different representations.

If morality of today's world was looked upon as a tangible quantity, the material it would closely resemble would be rubber or Lycra. As a real physical quantity, Lycra is representative of comfort and stretch-ability and that’s exactly what today's moral values are - stretchable, flexible and twist-able; to suit our comfort and needs, the side-effects notwithstanding or often ignored. The deviation from what is defined as morally correct- in the descriptive or normative sense can be compared to the stretching of rubber. The tag ‘Lycra Inside' which is usually found on items of clothing is clung to our bare nakedness of skewed morals today.

In our day to day and societal existence, there are certain moral codes. Codes which in the simplest form would describe as to what is wrong and what is right. These 'codes' or values might fall under various domains like social, cultural, political, philosophical etc. Some of them have been present since time immemorial and are almost static, while some of them have transformed according to the dynamics of changing social structure and changing values. Talking from the Indian perspective, the fine threads of the Indian social fabric, especially the Urban Social Fabric has seen a gradual transition, from the integrity and rigidity of Khadi to the stretch-ability of Spandex. We have come a long way from the resolute, iron willed and morally strong Gandhiji days to the laxity of today. It’s only unfortunate that the anachronistic Khadi still remains the perfect garb for our politicians; the brand ambassadors of what could be called 'the perfect-immorality'. The scam littered corrupt scene in the country would make anyone believe that the political milieu is actually bereft of all forms of morality. Did they just bend their moral values or make them disappear altogether? Perhaps, moral consciousness was brutally murdered and buried somewhere deep down. It is often said- what we wear is a reflection of what we are. The streets would be full of spandex strutting politicians in that case.

Even we as individuals, how often do we bend our moral codes and values which we have imbibed and absorbed over years? Say lying or cheating. or hurting someone and duping them, Or breaking some rules or these codes which are oft debated to be something prescribed to us and enforced on us? While the frequency might be debatable, the fact that we all do it is undeniable. We stretch our morality when we lie and manipulate people or keep them in the dark. We do it when we drink and drive. We do it when we jump signals. We do it when we cheat on our partners. We do it when we bribe someone. There are several instances. Even our consciousness invariably comes up with a justification for our act- “just this one time, this will be the last”. But our so called “last-time” is always the second last in an unending series. Perhaps Oscar Wilde's I can resist everything except temptation is our motto.

In our country, where Ashok weds Meena is often considered a pre-requisite for Ashok beds Meena, things have changed. The recent times have seen a spate of NSA relationships- No Strings Attached, only rubber to stretch. (thanks to the Americans for their Euphemism). The new generation has been breaking down the so called "boundary wall of values" brick by brick. In fact it has ceased to exist for some. The chastity belt has loosened and people have been dropping their inhibitions and that definitely includes their clothes too. Infact, its not just the youth or the current generation which has been indulging in these 'peccadilloes', nor is it the hobby of the upper echelons alone. This is a pervasive trend cutting across age generations and different sections of the society. Intercourse is as casual as a bottle of beer.

Morality has become individualistic; we treat it as our own and each one of us stretches it to the extent and the way we want to. Yes, there is Lycra inside our values. Inside our consciousness. Goodbye integrity, welcome Slackness.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


The landscape was barren.. Nascent.. Fresh.. She came in.. What a canvas she thought.. MY CANVAS.. I can play tic-tac toe on this. I can draw lines. Crisscross, Concurrent, Intersecting, Dividing. Her Landscape of geometry. She started Carving out exquisite patterns. Working her way round the eminence, the mounds, the flats. More careful than callous; for her patterns were intricate, her designs deep. She looked down at her piece of work- magnificent.

And hence was born- a slave to destiny's design……….a vassal to the fief lady 'destiny'………..beset by his exquisite fate lines......

Destined to a checkered life……….Its been 25 years. 25 long years….


Wednesday, January 26, 2011


You start off as a novice. Lean, scrawny, gullible. (alright, lets take in the chubby ones too) All this while you have been walking down on well treaded paths, sometimes running because someone told you that there is a treasure at the end of the rainbow . Your journey has many companions. Their fur brushes against you as you trot along. You mock them; the smelly furry lot with long tails. That’s until you notice your reflection in the mirror of damnation and realize- you yourself are a long-tailed rodent of the superfamily Muroidea- a RAT. The mirrors are all along the path.. They have always been there.. you just fail to notice yourself…. You choose this damnation…. Or perhaps are coaxed onto this path.

The ramifications of this RATification is something you realize only gradually.. Sometimes a little too late..

Δ9 ----------------See (2) H (5) Oh!!!! ------------------Δ9

Sobriety is lost… Propriety made an exit....

I feel ethereal…. I float.. I fly.. Detached from reality.. Time freezes.. This is my time capsule..

No one clips my wings..Freedom is mine for once..

For once there is light at the BEGINNING of the tunnel. Studded with diamonds. Studded with stars.



Cursory Rhyme.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

As Elusive as Ever. Purrrr purrrr....

The hunter chased 'the animal' through 4 cities. Almost trapped it in Chennai… At least maimed it.. He didn’t win the bounty but gained appreciation from fellow hunters..
The hunter displayed laxity in Hyderabad and this time the animal slipped through again.
In Bangalore the hunter was well prepared, perhaps a few chinks in his armor but still ready for the kill. He couldn’t hunt it down even this time. He almost had "the animal" by the whiskers but made a 'calculative' mistake and ended up gravely injured. He decided to give this hunt one last shot.
His chase brought him to Delhi. He staggered, he struggled, gave up a lot of things but alas… the felinity of 'the animal' was too much to tame, its cunningness too much to comprehend and its ferociousness too difficult to match. 'The animal' looked back at the wounded hunter and gave him a sly smile. The dejected hunter realized, he had to change his game...Wounded and beaten he set out in search of a new hunt but deep down he knew that no prize would be as big, no honor as much a leveler and he knew that he could ride a horse into the hunting ground but couldn’t ride his luck…….