Wednesday, January 12, 2011

As Elusive as Ever. Purrrr purrrr....

The hunter chased 'the animal' through 4 cities. Almost trapped it in Chennai… At least maimed it.. He didn’t win the bounty but gained appreciation from fellow hunters..
The hunter displayed laxity in Hyderabad and this time the animal slipped through again.
In Bangalore the hunter was well prepared, perhaps a few chinks in his armor but still ready for the kill. He couldn’t hunt it down even this time. He almost had "the animal" by the whiskers but made a 'calculative' mistake and ended up gravely injured. He decided to give this hunt one last shot.
His chase brought him to Delhi. He staggered, he struggled, gave up a lot of things but alas… the felinity of 'the animal' was too much to tame, its cunningness too much to comprehend and its ferociousness too difficult to match. 'The animal' looked back at the wounded hunter and gave him a sly smile. The dejected hunter realized, he had to change his game...Wounded and beaten he set out in search of a new hunt but deep down he knew that no prize would be as big, no honor as much a leveler and he knew that he could ride a horse into the hunting ground but couldn’t ride his luck…….


  1. "no prize would be as big, no honor as much a leveler" i beg to differ... it just seems so now...

  2. You blogging? Great ! I've no idea though. I set out hunting too and got hunted down instead. Feline traits are always unpredictable, anyway. Enough of cats n bitches. I quit.

  3. missing the option "become a fan " ... good old orkut...

  4. I can bet,this hunter's skills are much more than just to hunt and target "the animal" ...set out new targets and KILL all with "hunter's special talents"!!...
