Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Nation Raped Everyday: The persistence of a Rape Culture

So it’s happened again. Why are we shocked? Why are we crying? Is it because of the sheer savagery of the criminals? Is it because of the in-digestible heinousness of the crime? Is it because we feel crippled and helpless again?  The answer is lost among the shrieks of a naked nation which is being raped every-day. While we are protesting and screaming at various institutions in the societal construct, while we are blaming and pointing fingers at the law and order situation, we are missing out on another very important thing- ‘us’. Yes, we are missing out on how ‘we’ have failed to prevent the systematic ideation and proliferation of a Rape Culture.

While it’s extremely important to ensure that proper laws are in place and ensure that no one walks scot free after committing a crime of this magnitude, that’s only one part of the problem solved because 70-80% of the rape cases don’t end up being reported. Laws and Punishment might prevent the Crime, but it doesn't stop the birth of Criminals. The pressing question is – why do we have so many rapists in the first place? Though the complexity of Rape and a Rapist’s mind has no simple, single-point analysis, the fact is that a very small percentage of the Rapes can be attributed to a psychological sickness of the extreme form. In many cases, Rape is just impulsive and has more sociological dimensions.
So sadly, the answer to the question above is that we have been directly or indirectly harboring and fostering this culture or else done nothing to change it.

Coming to the sociological dimensions and our structure, we are a pre-dominantly patriarchal society. A society where often even among the well-educated and well-aware circles, gender equality goes for a toss. And what results is a disturbing situation where male dominance is treated as a primordial entity.  A situation where men feel they have a hereditary sanction to dominate and assert themselves over women; often through brute force and violence. A lot of well-learned and educated people might rubbish the suggestion that they are directly or indirectly contributing to the Rape culture. But let’s not fool ourselves, they are, we all are; either through action or in-action.  Just for the record- the person who put the DPS MMs Scandal for auction on was an IITian. Do you know what the direct impact of this video going Viral was? Girls from good private schools in Delhi were immediately labeled as promiscuous. Great, you just gave the perpetrators another point in their justification list to rape women.

We are living in a disturbingly perverted world and over the past several years sexual themes have become more aggressive and extremely explicit often depicting women either as wantons or slaves at the mercy of men. There is compelling evidence and research to prove that prolonged exposure to such strong sadomasochistic themes has often created and imprinted a certain image of women inside men’s head; an image where they are nothing but a series of orifices that can be used as an object. Now the important point – while there is little or no control over the flow of such media and information, our mindsets have to draw a line between real life and this virtual media.

Perversion in its meanest, wickedest form does not require a pretext. But it often, very conveniently and very easily finds one anyway. And yes- it does not even spare festivals. I am talking about my child-hood experiences from Holi. Yes, that time of the year when many perverted boys find a pretext to touch women and girls in the most improper manner possible; of-course under the garb of the playful spirit of Holi. If you are wondering why I am writing about this- here’s why. I am wondering why and how the Aunties of the Mohalla (colony) who left no opportunity to pass comments on a girl coming late from a party or going out with a guy, let their sons touch girls in a wrong way, often forcibly? Or how many of them actually sat down and had a chat with their sons about respecting women. And I lived in a colony of respected Govt. Officials; pity.

It’s rather sad that the vent for sexual frustration in a sexually repressed country like India comes at the cost of a Woman’s dignity and leaves scars forever. How can we expect sexual maturity from people when our basic maturity is scattered and all over the place? How do we address this issue? Social conditioning is the key and considering how rigid our structure is, it’s going to take some serious effort. This needs small as well as big steps. This involves everything from the gradual dissolution of the rigid patriarchal structure to promoting a culture where women are respected, not just for the sake of it and ceremonially; but naturally. Respect for women should not be restricted to temples of Durga and Lakshmi, it has to be universal.

Action is the key. Take whatever actions you can and use any possible tool – messages, videos, films, anything. Inculcating values through mediums which have a lasting effect is important. And this should begin right from school and be extended to our work-life. While candle-light marches, protest rallies and voicing our opinion is important, it’s certainly not enough. And let me put this very crudely, after a certain limit, instead of being a symbol of solidarity, its nothing but a token representation of helplessness. Next time a guy dismissively calls a woman a slut, reprimand him, even if he is your best friend. Promote and assert the idea that sex is ALWAYS and ONLY a choice. A lot many people say that conditioning is more important for the lower strata of the society lacking in education and awarenss. If you believe so, then go to your nearest NGO. Teach the small kids about respecting women and being non-violent. Teach equality. If nothing else, just talk to people around you. It won’t change everything in a month but it’s a step in the right direction.

And people from the same gender as me, stop putting all of us to shame and please make a serious effort towards changing things. Until that happens, women have full right to echo Marilyn French's words from her novel 'The Women's room' -“All men are rapists and that's all they are. They rape us with their eyes, their laws, and their codes.”

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Me and My.... Snooze and Drowse

It happened again. Its the same every morning. Two inseparable, united souls by night and the jaded, jilted, quarreling and struggling individuals by morning. Every night before I close my eyes, you are the last thing that I see. You are the last thing that I hold. You rest close to me. Sometimes we even share the same pillow. Then what happens in the morning? Why do you shout and scream at me. I try to put the pillow over my head to cut out your voice but your shouts just increase. Your shrieks just get louder. Its not that I can't hear you or your heart. That's why I try and pacify you. This time I keep you even closer to me. But after 10 minutes, its the same story. Your persistent loudness just doesn't stop. Finally I just leave my bed and then we don't meet each other the whole day. But then again, just before bed, I helplessly run to you. 


I know this is an endless story. Its the same over and over again.. But you.. My Phone's Alarm Clock.. you and me.. WE are forever.. :P

Monday, May 7, 2012

V for Virginity

                                (Visual Courtesy Pallavi Pathak)

“It just never happened"- The 40 year old Virgin (2005)

DISCLAIMER: The following piece is inspired from true and real life experiences and any resemblance to people living or dead (did someone die a virgin? tou·ché!!) is not a mere coincidence but purely, sincerely and wholesomely intentional. Having said that, this piece of writing might be a little too crass for your class (depending on your hypocritical levels of conservatism and prudishness) . In spite of its indirect, oblique and subtle references, the message its trying to get across is straightforward to the point that it might be crude to you. So read at your own sweet peril.

XXX: Who are you?

V: Voilà! In view, a humble, vulnerable VIRGIN, cast vicariously as a victim by the vicissitudes of lust and desire;  a vapidly vegetating  valedictorian of virtuosity in this vicious wicked world.  However, this valorous virgin stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal, philandering and virulent vermin van-guarding vice, lust and fornication. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V. 

XXX: English please!

V: Fair enough….
Virginity in the Indian context has several dimensions. Since a lot of us (by choice or chance) are still propagating the Medieval and Ancient Notions of No Sex Before Marriage, there are many other things apart from physical intimacy which come under the purview of virginity in India. Here, in the land of kamasutra (quite ironically) it implies a clean slate i.e. never having been in a relationship of any form.

XXX: So you have never touched a girl

V: No

XXX: Ok you must have flirted with atleast one girl. A fling of sorts perhaps?

V: No

XXX: Sexting?

V: No

XXX: Texting?



V: No

XXX: Bas kar pagle… rulaayega kya! *sniffs and wipes tears*

XXX: That’s f*****g impossible!!

V:  Indeed, that does follow logically.  For someone who has not touched a woman, f****g is not a possibility. We virgins are planning to launch a movie series called F****g, Impossible soon. Please notice the punctuation.

XXX: Have you been living in a nut-shell? We are living in times of hyper-sexuality. A time where people have sex as many times a day and change partners as many times as they change clothes . Sex is no longer an activity for pro-creation, its about recreation. Its no longer placed on a very high pedestal and its not even something mystical and beyond reach. Its so damn casual and still you managed to abstain?

V: The inherent problem in India is that sex is over-rated while virginity is under-rated. People just fail to realize how preposterously difficult it is to hold onto our guns.  As you rightly said, we are living in times where commercials make mango drinks look like aphrodisiacs, where having sex is as casual as having a bottle of beer and titillation is the word of the day (everyday) and still there is little or no appreciation for abstinence. Guys get their guns at 12-13 (naturally) but the licensing (read marriage) like so many other things in India comes in pretty late; sometimes as late as 29-30. The result- guys keep shooting dummies in virtual arenas. Even ladies keep their heaven's doors locked for many years.  Since we are nice people, we have not let the moral debauchery around us affect us.

XXX: haaaa haaaa..! Nice is different from a prude and a douche you dodo! You have made it abundantly clear that you belong to the latter category. Don't try and project yourself as a saint when you are a loser!
Admit it.... Your being single and a virgin is not a mere choice or some 'grand act of abstinence'. Its because you are a L O S E R! You didn't get ***** because you have been a ***** all your life.
Tell me something... We all have basic needs. How did you meet them?

V: I gained the blessings of desi babas and was vividly exposed to the naughtiness of America. The Digital playground helped me explore new sensations and hustle around. However, off-late I have become indifferent towards all these mediums. I have come to the realization that we need to look beyond the pettiness of carnal desires and work towards wholesome all-round development of our self. *breathes deep*

XXX: *Yawn* I became indifferent towards them when I turned 16 or 17. That’s when the powerfully gripping reality of sex hit me and I decided to make myself go through the rite of passage.  Have you not heard of it? Why don't you just get done with it already. Oh wait. Are you like one of those  guys who is waiting for the right girl to come along or are you even worse.... A dork who does not have a life and who does not meet girls! Let me guess..... for you parties usually involve 4 or 5 drunk guys sitting and talking gibberish in a sad apartment.. No girls, no fun!! Jesus… poor you!!  What do you plan to do with your useless Virginity? *smirks*

V: You and your copulative tendencies! Why have you been focusing only on the sex part of it alone? How about a relationship. How about true love? How about romance? Our virginity is not useless. We could make some major contributions to the society by Auctioning our virginity. The proceeds will head to any noble foundation propagating virtuosity and teaching people the art of sublimating their sexual energy.

XXX: Blah blah blah.. Stop yapping away! and you sound gay (all the romantic shit)..And copulation.... haaa haaa.. are you from the 14th Century or something? Who even uses that word now...Your present state is as pathetic as your sense of humor. That auction thing was a bad one.  Next you would suggest com-modifying virginity and putting it on the stock market?? Loser!! 

Here's the deal bro... Being sexless is like a void which can be filled by sex alone.  Sublimation of sexual energy is a myth. There is no sublimation, only satiation. Sex and love are separate. You need to learn to compartmentalize and keep the two separately.. . Find a fu** buddy, get into a no strings attached relationship. Don't put Vatsyayana's soul to shame. Make Khajuraho proud.. Just do it!

V:  Are you trying to corrupt me?

XXX: I am just trying to enlighten you :) ok, fine.. If you are so hell-bent on finding the right girl or being in a relationship and avoiding casual sex, why don't you go out and meet new girls. Join a dance club, join a photography club, join a gym, go clubbing.. Hit on girls…

V: I will learn dancing if I WANT TO DANCE not because I want girls. Same for photography and everything else you suggested.

 XXX: You make me feel like puking. There is no point talking to you. Before I leave you, have to say--- Its you who is the conservative prude here. So aren't you worried that post this crappy piece of writing, your relatives and family would be worried, your friends would mock you and the world would judge you and label you as desperate and frustrated. Some of them might even pity you though and quite a few would suggest you get married.

V: Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn ;)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Hi, I am Melancholy

My sibling depression often steals my identity but let me make it very clear... as an entity, I am distinct and separate. Contrary to popular perception, I am not a source of mournfulness and sadness alone. The fact that through centuries, hundreds of writers, composers and thinkers have found solace in my arms only furthers my stance.
So who am I and why do people turn to me? Is it when they begin to comprehend the complex intricacies of life? Why am I the timeless friend for people? Am I the shield that provides you cover when you are confronted with harshness? or am I the wine that intoxicates your mind and spurs your senses? The answer to all these questions is scattered, just like my dispersed identity.
I reverberate through the hollows of solitude... implacable.... I however do not intend to impose any shackles on you. You can very well choose ignorance and I shall forever be invisible to you. Mine is a subdued personality and I don't intend to spread disharmony or discord. Embracing me doesn't necessarily impose the obligations of a disconnect...its always a choice.. :)